Vast as the Stars and Sand

Vast as the Stars and Sand

Elishama Schwartz |

BY ELISHAMA SCHWARTZ Some of us lounge with verdant backyards and homey porchesOthers are squeezed by neighboring skyscrapers and smokeButEither waysometime in winter,I’ll be comforted by the beam of the…

The Sacrifice

The Sacrifice

Naomi Ruttenberg |

BY NAOMI RUTTENBERG Deep within evil lies a thought worn of timeIt eagerly accepts a grant of evilThe sacrifice?You know itA scapegoat lit on fire subject to a rhymePoetry cursed…

The Ascent of the Fallen

The Ascent of the Fallen

Sarah Baron |

BY SARAH BARON We are lost and foundFree yet also constrainedMany fall by the dayLost ones float up to the skyMore and moreInnocent livesLone soldiersOff the plane they emerge as…



Raphael Unger |

BY RAPHAEL UNGER I was quietI would not speak,I thought that no one would remember me,Me and my little idiosyncrasies. If you’re quiet,then who will care to listen—To look and…

Right Before His Eyes

Right Before His Eyes

Ari Unger |

BY ARI UNGER Jacob wore a tightly buttoned plaid shirt. He had a thin, carefully trimmed mustache, and nicely pressed slacks. He sat on the couch, which was carefully covered…

The Importance of the Arts

The Importance of the Arts

Rafi Unger |

BY RAFI UNGER What distinguishes humans from animals is our capacity for creativity and generating new ideas. In essence, the unique creativity of humans separates us from other creatures. Unfortunately,…