Israel at 75: A Nation Built Upon Sacrifice

Israel at 75: A Nation Built Upon Sacrifice

Ayelet Friedman |

On the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel, it's important to reflect and appreciate both the Jewish people's historical and religious connections to the land, and the work and sacrifice that made the dream a reality.

America, Israel, and China

America, Israel, and China

Rafi Unger |

Tensions between the United States and China have been rising. Israel has been trying to remain in the middle, but now finds itself in the center of a house of cards ready to come crashing down.

The Jewish World of Alexander Hamilton

The Jewish World of Alexander Hamilton

Ellie Glickman |

Andrew Porwancher’s The Jewish World of Alexander Hamilton dissects the Founding Father’s unique relationship to the Jewish community.

A New Viewpoint on Diversity

A New Viewpoint on Diversity

Ari Unger |

Often, it seems that the people who talk about diversity never visit diverse communities. People seem to think that diversity is based on how one looks. True diversity is not about how someone looks, but how they act.

The Dangerous Descent of American Free Speech

The Dangerous Descent of American Free Speech

Gavriella Cohen |

Decisive action must be taken in the fight against individual liberties - the future of the American experiment our Founders fought to preserve is at stake.