I was quiet
I would not speak,
I thought that no one would remember me,
Me and my little idiosyncrasies.
If you’re quiet,
then who will care to listen—
To look and to see.
But I wrote down,
On a scrap of paper,
My hopes and my dreams.
And the things that make me,
I drew a picture
And wrote my story—
My hopes and my dreams
My wants
And my needs.
In ten years
No one will remember the words that I said
But they will never forget the words that I wrote,
The drawings that I drew,
And the music that I made
Don’t you see?
One can dream
One can hope
One can love
One can hate
Yet these all fade
But what stays
Is what we make
Suggested Reading
A New Viewpoint on Diversity
Often, it seems that the people who talk about diversity never visit diverse communities. People seem to think that diversity is based on how one looks. True diversity is not about how someone looks, but how they act.
My Real Internal Conflict is Not One of Clashing Interests
When do my Jewish interests and American interests conflict? After much careful internal deliberation, I have concluded that they do not.
Regaining our Power Through Knowledge: The Solution to Rising Anti-Semitism on Campus
An emotional connection to our Judaism cannot be our only solace. Knowledge is the solution to the problem Jewish students face today.
Hard Times Create Strong Jews
In an examination of American Jewry's financial and intellectual situation, as well as the current political and religious divisions running through the community, one can't say that Milton Himmelfarb was correct in his prediction of a future of "fewer but better Jews".